Rosy apple aphid
Adult size of Dysaphis plantaginea : 2 to 3mm
Colour olive-green to violet-brown
Winged adults dark green to black with a shiny spot on the abdomen
1 generation every 3 weeks
Secondary host : plantain from mid-June to mid-July
Symptoms on apple trees
Damage to leaves and shoots : colonies causing leaf and twig curling and deformation
Damage to fruit : deformation of young fruit
Period of presence
Période de présence :
J | F | M | A | M | J | J | A | S | O | N | D |
Observation method
Observe 100 shoots in the orchard and count the number of shoots affected by an aphid colony.
Technical and agronomic management advice
Control by crop protection agents : hoverflies, ladybirds, midges, lacewings, daylilies and Hymenoptera.
Varietal sensitivity
Pressure level
Low : presence of a few isolated individuals
Medium : between 0 and 5% of shoots occupied by a colony
High : more than 5% of shoots occupied by a colony
This article was written in partnership with <a href="">Agrifind</a> and <a href="">Terres Inovia</a>.