Rosy apple aphid

From Triple Performance
Icone categorie Bioagresseur.png Bioagressor - (Dysaphis plantaginea) - Pests - Ashy apple aphid - Apple
Colony of apple aphids (Ephytia-INRAE)

Adult size of Dysaphis plantaginea  : 2 to 3mm

Colour olive-green to violet-brown

Winged adults dark green to black with a shiny spot on the abdomen

1 generation every 3 weeks

Secondary host : plantain from mid-June to mid-July

Symptoms on apple trees

Damage to leaves and shoots : colonies causing leaf and twig curling and deformation

Leaf curling due to ash aphid (Ephytia-INRAE)
Twig deformation due to ash aphid (Ephytia-INRAE)

Damage to fruit : deformation of young fruit

Ashy aphid damage on fruit (CTIFL)

Period of presence

Script error: No such module "Période de risque".

Observation method

Observe 100 shoots in the orchard and count the number of shoots affected by an aphid colony.

Technical and agronomic management advice

Control by crop protection agents : hoverflies, ladybirds, midges, lacewings, daylilies and Hymenoptera.

Varietal sensitivity

Pressure level

Low : presence of a few isolated individuals

Medium : between 0 and 5% of shoots occupied by a colony

High : more than 5% of shoots occupied by a colony

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This article was written in partnership with <a href="">Agrifind</a> and <a href="">Terres Inovia</a>.

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