
From Triple Performance

Apple orchard Moscow State University 05.JPG Plantation, protection, irrigation, compaction des sols, taille, gestion de la fertilité, biodiversité, agroforesterie... Tout sur l'arboriculture agro-écologique !

ArboriculturePlantation, protection, irrigation, compaction des sols, taille, gestion de la fertilité, biodiversité, agroforesterie... Tout sur l'arboriculture agro-écologique !Apple orchard Moscow State University 05.JPG


Gestion de la fertilité - Portail.png Fertility management

How to increase the level of organic matter in the soil, agroforestry, etc...

Biodiversité - Portail.png Functional biodiversity

How to encourage the establishment of fauna useful for the balance of the orchard,...

Irrigation en arboriculture - Portail.png Irrigation

Which irrigation method to choose, which equipment...

Protection en arboriculture - Portail.png Protection

Biocontrol products, biostimulants, physical protection,...

Taille - Portail.png Pruning

Training pruning, fruiting pruning, planting pruning, alternation, vigour...

Compaction - Portail.png Reducing soil compaction

Animal traction, reduced use of machinery, use of cover crops, etc.

Plantation en arboriculture - Portail.png Planting

Choice of varieties, spacing, planned management,...


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