
From Triple Performance
(Redirected from Viticulture)

Vineyards in Napa Valley 7.jpg Vine pruning and management, plant cover, reducing soil compaction, agroforestry, grape varieties and fertility management - all about agro-ecology in viticulture.

ViticultureVine pruning and management, plant cover, reducing soil compaction, agroforestry, grape varieties and fertility management - all about agro-ecology in viticulture.Vineyards in Napa Valley 7.jpg



How to integrate agroforestry into a vineyard, vitiforestry, ...

Gestion de la fertilité - Portail.pngFertility management

How to increase the level of organic matter in the soil, vitiforestry, etc...

Les cépages - Portail.pngGrape varieties

Choosing grape varieties according to their resistance to disease, drought, etc. Morphological description, history of the grape variety

Mécanisation - Portail.pngMechanisation

Direct seeding, sowing at low cost, tillage or no tillage, spreading, canopy management,...

Couverts permanents - Portail.pngPlant cover and mulching

Which plant cover to choose, integrating mulch, geochanvre, etc.

Agriculture de précision - Portail.pngPrecision viticulture

Drones, satellite images, sensors...

Protection en viticulture - Portail.pngProtection

Biocontrol products, biostimulants, physical protection,...

Taille - Portail.pngPruning and training

Training pruning, gentle pruning, high pruning, etc. Green work : trellising, trimming, disbudding, etc.

Compaction - Portail.pngReducing soil compaction

Animal traction, reduced use of machinery, cover crops, organic matter, etc.

Plantation en viticulture - Portail.pngPlanting

Choice of varieties, spacing, management, trellising, ...

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