
From Triple Performance
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Vineyards in Napa Valley 7.jpg Vine pruning and management, plant cover, reducing soil compaction, agroforestry, grape varieties and fertility management - all about agro-ecology in viticulture.

ViticultureVine pruning and management, plant cover, reducing soil compaction, agroforestry, grape varieties and fertility management - all about agro-ecology in viticulture.Vineyards in Napa Valley 7.jpg



How to integrate agroforestry into a vineyard, vitiforestry, ...

Fertility management

How to increase the level of organic matter in the soil, vitiforestry, etc...

Grape varieties

Choosing grape varieties according to their resistance to disease, drought, etc. Morphological description, history of the grape variety


Direct seeding, sowing at low cost, tillage or no tillage, spreading, canopy management,...

Plant cover and mulching

Which plant cover to choose, integrating mulch, geochanvre, etc.

Precision viticulture

Drones, satellite images, sensors...


Biocontrol products, biostimulants, physical protection,...

Reducing soil compaction

Animal traction, reduced use of machinery, cover crops, organic matter, etc.

Pruning and training

Training pruning, gentle pruning, high pruning, etc. Green work : trellising, trimming, disbudding, etc.


Choice of varieties, spacing, management, trellising, ...

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