Manifesto of the Triple Performance Platform

What is a wiki?
A wiki is a website that can be modified quickly. It comes from the Hawaiian word for "quick", "inform". The purpose of a wiki is to find information quickly, and to be able to update it easily.
Why a wiki?
Because agricultural knowledge changes, it moves, it is dynamic. It's interesting to update feedback after one or two campaigns...
But who writes these articles?
Our platform is collaborative. Everyone can participate. The chambers of agriculture, which are doing an exceptional job of listing all kinds of agro-ecological practices, the cooperatives, which are conducting field trials, the researchers, the farmers themselves, who, by dint of seeing things in the field, are able to share them with others... The idea is that everyone can contribute to each other... It can also be a manufacturer of equipment who is in the best position to describe his different tools, an insurer who explains the different types of weather insurance, examples among many others.
I have just started my transition, am I legitimate to explain anything?
Yes, in fact, studies show that the best time to explain something to someone is when you are learning it yourself. So yes, it's possible that you may not know everything, but others will add to what you've written, and there are always little things that you know that can be useful to others...
Who controls the articles?
Articles are controlled by the community, just like on Wikipedia. You can "follow" an article when it interests you, and you will receive email notifications when someone makes a change (you can change your follow preferences at any time). If the change doesn't seem right or doesn't respect the platform's charter, you can propose your own correction, or someone else will do it.
It sounds a little crazy, but it works! The proof is that Wikipedia articles are now considered to have surpassed Encyclopedia Britanica articles in quality.
But if you don't know anything about computers, you don't risk doing anything?
Yes, it is. Everything in the platform can be cancelled, we keep all the versions of each article. If you have broken anything, we can easily fix it. If you have a bad spelling, we'll even come and correct the texts to make them more readable, add some photos, etc...
Won't a supplier use this to advertise?
It is very likely, but it is not a problem. A farmer is used to receiving technical salesmen on his farm. He knows how to sort things out!
Each of the authors on the platform is clearly identified - if a machine dealer writes an article about his new tool, so much the better - it will allow others to ask him questions, and to have first-hand information. On the other hand, if an article does not respect the user charter, we will kindly explain to the author how to improve it.
What happens if two competing co-ops are on the platform?
The real competition of a cooperative is when one of its farmers has a 50% drop in yield, because his field has been ravaged by disease, or because drought or floods have left nothing. The issues at stake in the farming world go beyond small fraternities. And if farmers in the West can benefit from tips on how to deal with some of the constraints they have because of an article written by a co-op in the East, then good for everyone! At the end of the day, everyone wins.
Also, farmers didn't wait for our platform to discuss, on facebook or other places. We offer a place that just allows for better exchange and knowledge.
I am organic, am I welcome?
Yes, organic, conventional, ACS, TCS, permaculture, biodynamic, farmers, winemakers, arborists, beekeepers, everyone is welcome. In fact, this platform is neutral. For 3 reasons:
- We think that the choice of system is up to the farmer, according to his constraints and his farm.
- We believe that when they can, farmers systematically seek to improve and maintain the living. Ecology is above all about maintaining their work tool.
- All this is complex - shortcuts are for politicians. There is no judgement here, just people looking together.
We also think that there may be interesting things to be found in the diversity of systems and productions. Les problèmes d’eau et d’irrigation dépassent les territoires et les dogmes. Le sol, les maladies, la droughts - these subjects are dealt with in many ways and perhaps the next solution for the vine]] in the Var is being tested in the orchards in the Ardèche. Not to mention that as systems become more complex, it will not be uncommon to have farms with plains, livestock, a methaniser, a processing workshop, sales, etc. There are no longer any borders.
Who owns the texts that are written in this platform?
The articles are licensed under a Creative Common license, more specifically CC-By-SA 4 - basically this means that the content is free to be reused, as long as the author of the article or the link to the original article is cited. This is the same licence as on Wikipedia.
How is the platform funded? Isn't there a big industry behind it?
The platform is free for everyone, and will remain so. Imagine if you had to subscribe to Wikipedia to read its articles - there wouldn't be many people on it!
The funding comes from marketing studies that we carry out on the platform's traffic. For example, when an insurer is trying to understand why fewer winegrowers in a given department have parametric insurance, we are able to analyse the questions and answers according to the location of each one in order to try to provide the beginnings of an answer. In this way, the insurer will be able to improve his proposal so that it works for the greatest number.
What about personal data?
We comply with the RGPD guidelines - that means we tell you exactly how we use your data - there is no trickery here. At any time we can delete your account and anonymise your data. Click here to find out more.