Pig farming

From Triple Performance

Porc-fermier-plein-air-de-vendee.jpg Everything on breeder, fattener and breeder/fattener pig farms. Performance and indicators, fertility, hygiene and health, animal welfare, free-range and soilless, feed and supplements, value-adding, effluent management, etc.

Pig farmingEverything on breeder, fattener and breeder/fattener pig farms. Performance and indicators, fertility, hygiene and health, animal welfare, free-range and soilless, feed and supplements, value-adding, effluent management, etc.Porc-fermier-plein-air-de-vendee.jpg


Élevage porcin - Portail.png Health of pig farms

Animal health (essential diseases, drooling, milk quality, acidosis, acetonaemia, etc.)

Élevage porcin - Portail.png Nutrition in pig farming

Nutrition (rationing, heifers, dairy cows)

Élevage porcin - Portail.png Pig farming

Everything on breeder, fattener and breeder/fattener pig farms. Performance and indicators, fertility, hygiene and health, animal welfare, free-range and soilless, feed and supplements, value-adding, effluent management, etc.

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