
From Triple Performance

We work with partners to complement the Triple Performance knowledge base, and to create momentum on specific topics. Among them, you will find in particular :

Fermes d'Avenir

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Fermes d'Avenir uses Triple Performance to disseminate farm portraits and best practices to be used within its network and beyond!

Ver de Terre production

Logo Ver de Terre production

We work in partnership with Ver de Terre production for the dissemination of Agroecological knowledge, through the distribution of its videos and co-authored articles.

Maraîchage Sol-Vivant Normandie (MSV)

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MSV and Triple Performance publish farm portraits and technical itineraries in living soil market gardening to help all those interested in these techniques to succeed in their implementation!

Var Chamber of Agriculture

Logo Chambre d'Agriculture du Var

The Chamber of Agriculture of the Var has worked with Triple Performance for the dissemination of contents in viticulture (in particular on the issue of drought-resistant grape varieties ).

Occitania Chamber of Agriculture

Logo Chambre d'Agriculture Occitanie

The Occitanie Chamber of Agriculture works with Triple Performance for the diffusion of some of its programmes.



Geco is a database set up within the framework of the EcoPhyto plan, which lists a number of agro-ecological practices and implementations, documented in particular by the Dephy teams. More information on


Logo AgriFind

Faced with the challenges of a growing world population, shrinking arable land and the depletion of non-renewable resources, Agrifind actively contributes to knowledge-intensive agriculture and thus participates in sustainable food and energy production through the use of data from the agricultural world. More information on

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