Mixed farming

From Triple Performance

Cows at Aahan Farm.jpg A combination of crops and livestock. The animals are fed by the crops and meadows, which are in turn fertilised by their manure.

Mixed farmingA combination of crops and livestock. The animals are fed by the crops and meadows, which are in turn fertilised by their manure.Cows at Aahan Farm.jpg


Couverts permanents - Portail.png Grazing plant cover

Management of fodder resources, grazing time, composition of plant cover, food self-sufficiency.

Autonomie en protéines - Portail.png Protein self-sufficiency

Feed production, protein efficiency, economic resilience, environmental impact, agronomic considerations...

Pâturage tournant dynamique - Portail.png Rotational grazing

Producing grass while maximising productivity

Systèmes et choix des espèces - Portail.png Systems and choice of species

Systemic thinking, production per volume of grass rather than per head of cattle, etc.

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