Kakothrips pisivorus

From Triple Performance

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1. General description

Scientific name Frankiniella robusta (syn. Kakothrips robustus, Kakothrips pisivorus)
Classification Order Thysanoptera, family Thripidae
Geographical range In all pea crops in Europe. In France, thrips proliferate mainly in spring pea fields in the northern half of the country.
Crops affected Springpeas, spring broad beans, broad beans, cultivated and wild legumes, wild mustard, poppies, viperina, etc.

2. Biology and epidemiology

Biological cycle

Conditions favourable to development

Climate Adult flight occurs mainly in stormy, heavy weather, and outbreaks are favoured by hot, dry weather in early summer. Heavy rainfall decimates populations.
Cultivation history of the plot For peas, thrips is more damaging on vegetable crops than on field crops.
Plot environment

3. Damage

Symptoms and damage

By gradually emptying the cells, the larvae weaken the shoots. The plants are puny and dwarfed, very branched, with embossed and brown-stained leaves. Inflorescences shrivel up or remain sterile. Young pods dry out, while older ones are abnormally curved, with shiny silvery parts dotted with brown woody spots.

Measuring systems

For peas, the control threshold is 20 larvae or eggs per 10 flowers.

For faba beans, the control threshold is 2 individuals per flower.


For peas, the presence of 250 eggs per 10 inflorescences causes a reduction in the pea harvest of up to 60%.

4. Management methods

Pre-crop measures

Since Thrips overwinters in the soil, a rational rotation is favourable.

For peas, late sowings and late varieties are particularly at risk. Early cultivation and the choice of early varieties is important.

For lentils, it is important toremove volunteer soya shoots that have been reported as sources of thrips infestation.

Catch-up solutions

Type Description Effectiveness
Biological control The predatorybug (Orius laevigatus) is a natural enemy of thrips, which appears spontaneously in glasshouses in the south of France in July andAugust. It is widely used in crop protection throughout the year in France.
Chemical control (to be completed)

Innovative solutions


5. To find out more...

Title Type of document Year Authors Publishers Précisions
e-phytia page : Pea thrips Website 2017 INRA INRA link vers le site
ABAA database : pea thrips Website 2017 EcophytoPIC ACTA link to the website
Page herbea : Pea thrips Website 2017 Solagro Solagro link to website Information on crop and landscape management that may favour the predatory bug.
Lentil, an ancient crop for modern times Book 2007 P. Sevenson, M. Dhillon, H. Sharma, M. El Bouhssini Springer Netherlands Chapter 20 : Insect pests of lentil and their management (pp 331-348)


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