Hypera postica

From Triple Performance
Phytonome (PACA Chamber of Agriculture)

The larvae, which are apodous, are about 1 cm long green in colour with a longitudinal white stripe down their back.

The adults measure between 4 and 6.5 mm wingspan, like sitones, but with a longer rostrum*.

  • Rostrum: part of theinsect that

between the eyes

Symptoms on alfalfa

On the upper parts of the plant: consumption of the leaf blade (not attacking the veins).

Leaf beetle (Ecophytopic)

Period of presence

Période de présence :


Larvae : Spring and pupate in vegetation in early summer.

Adults: do not complete their cycle on alfalfa, first egg-laying possible in autumn, they do not return until the following the following spring to lay eggs in buds, stems and petioles (in a small hollowed small cavity)

Observation method

A watch out for, especially in mild winters when early attacks may be to be feared.

Look for for possible notches on the foliage.

Technical and agronomic management advice

Pre-cutting in April: reduces the larvae population

Favour mixed sowing if inoculum has already caused a problem

Regulated by a parasitic wasp: Bathyplectes curculionis, which attacks larvae

Pressure level

Low : 1 to 2 bites on average per leaflet

Average: More than 2 bites on average per leaflet

High : > 5 bites - defoliation in 2nd or 3rd year

Pressure levels are given for information only and do not accurately reflect the severity of infestation at any given time or subsequent damage. Other factors specific to the crop and the dynamics of the development of symptoms or infestations come into play.

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This article was written in partnership with <a href="https://www.agrifind.fr/alertes/luzerne/luzerne-phytonome">Agrifind</a> and <a href="https://www.terresinovia.fr/">Terres Inovia</a>.

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