Diagnosis and performance of a farm

From Triple Performance

Illustration indices agroécologiques.jpg Bilans humiques, analyse financière, mesure de la performance, indicateurs de suivi, analyse systémique, IFT, ...

Diagnostic et performance d'une fermeBilans humiques, analyse financière, mesure de la performance, indicateurs de suivi, analyse systémique, IFT, ...Illustration indices agroécologiques.jpg

There are a number of agro-ecological evaluation tools that aim to objectively measure different aspects of the performance of a farm or plot. Some of them require the assistance of an expert, others are intended to be reproduced from one year to the next to observe changes, etc.

The Flower of Agroecology

Transparence du calculdépend de l'outil utilisé Mesure et saisie par un tiers Accès aux données (open data) Comparabilité des indicateurs (benchmark)dépend de l'outil utilisé Pistes d'amélioration par indicateur Ergonomie LienSite Fermes d'Avenir

  • The Agroecology Flower was created by Fermes d'AvenirFermes[1] https:[2] in 2020-2021Fermes[3] https:[4]
  • It looks at the three axes of sustainable development (Environment, Economy, Social), each of which is evaluated using four indicators.
  • The synthesis presents tools to evaluate these different indicators and the different levers to activate to improve one's farm for each of them, regardless of the agricultural production.
  • This evaluation system requires the assistance of an expert.

The regeneration index

Transparence du calcul Mesure et saisie par un tiers Accès aux données (open data) Comparabilité des indicateurs (benchmark) Pistes d'amélioration par indicateur Ergonomie LienIndice de régénération

  • The Regeneration Index was created in 2021 as a result of close collaboration between the Scientific Committee and the field actors of the Pour une Agriculture Du Vivant movement. [5]
  • This index has been built around 8 axes that allow the farm to be evaluated at a systemic level thanks to a score out of 100 : Soil cover, Tillage, Carbon cycle, Nitrogen fertilisation, Phytosanitary management, Biodiversity, Agroforestry, Training. It is applicable to all agricultural productions.
  • It is a free and open-source tool for evaluating the agroecological level of farms.
  • This evaluation system requires the assistance of an expert.


Transparence du calcul Mesure et saisie par un tiers Accès aux données (open data) Comparabilité des indicateurs (benchmark) Pistes d'amélioration par indicateur Ergonomie LienSite Dialecte

  • DIALECTE is an agri-environmental diagnostic toolDIALECTE * : [6] created and developed by SolagroSolagro[7]:[8] since 1993.
  • Quantitative analysis of 40 calculated agri-environmental indicators, supplemented by a qualitative analysis by the auditor for an overall environmental assessment. DIALECTE is applicable to all types of agricultural production.
  • DIALECTE allows for a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the 4 fundamental environmental themes : water, biodiversity, soil, consumption of non-renewable resources. Due to the age of the site, the ergonomics are not necessarily optimal, but the site includes very good resources.
  • This evaluation system requires the assistance of an expert.


Transparence du calculNA Mesure et saisie par un tiers Accès aux données (open data) Comparabilité des indicateurs (benchmark)NA Pistes d'amélioration par indicateurNA Ergonomie LienPDF Oasis

  • The OasisAgroecology[9] project[10] https:[11] has been developed by Agroecology EuropeAgroecology[12] https:[13] in 2021.
  • It allows the assessment of 5 dimensions based on the 13 principles of agroecology defined by FAOFAO[14] (agroecological practices, economic viability, social aspects, environment and biodiversity and resilience).
  • OASIS aims to assess a farm at a given point in time, and then evaluate its progress towards a complete agroecological system through regular assessments during the transition. This requires contacting Agroecology Europe so that they can provide detailed assessment instructions for each indicator.
  • This evaluation system requires the support of an expert.


Transparence du calcul Mesure et saisie par un tiers Accès aux données (open data) Comparabilité des indicateurs (benchmark) Pistes d'amélioration par indicateur Ergonomie LienSite DiagAgroEco

  • DiagAgroEcoDiagAgroEco[15]:[16] is an agroecological diagnostic tool created in 2015 by ACTA and the DGPE (Direction Générale de la Performance Economique et Environnementale des Entreprises).
  • It is intended to help reflect on a farmer's performance, practices and approaches and to estimate his degree of commitment to agroecology.
  • The farmer can choose the modules that are of particular interest to him.For each practice, the site offers detailed technical sheets.
  • The evaluation can be carried out as a self-diagnosis. The platform is very intuitive.


Transparence du calcul Mesure et saisie par un tiers Accès aux données (open data) Comparabilité des indicateurs (benchmark) Pistes d'amélioration par indicateur Ergonomie LienSite Genesis

  • Genesis (aka Greenback) is a tool created in 2022 by Quentin [17] (ex Devialet). He brought together a multidisciplinary team of agronomists, soil experts, biologists, data engineers, programmers, designers and business developers to work on this index.
  • Genesis invented the first soil health rating that integrates biodiversity, carbon and pollution diagnosis. Farmers can know the impact of their practices on the environment and their links with yields.
  • The rating is based on 5 criteria, assessed using a total of 35 indicators which are then aggregated on the 5 axes : Biodiversity, Climate, Water, Soil, Fertility. The indicators are derived from an analysis carried out by partner laboratories.
  • Genesis is free for the farmer who agrees to share his data, as the cost of the service is borne by third parties. Genesis assists the farmer in contacting customers, cooperatives and partners to allow free access to the rating. The platform is very intuitive.


Transparence du calcul Mesure et saisie par un tiers Accès aux données (open data) Comparabilité des indicateurs (benchmark) Pistes d'amélioration par indicateur Ergonomie LienSite IndicIADes

  • IndicIADes [18] https: [19] is a tool created in 2008 by the Institute of Sustainable Agriculture[20] https:[21]
  • IndicIADes provides a free diagnosis and identification of the weak and strong points of the farm in order to embark on an agroecological transition.
  • IndicIADes also offers a free evaluation of the following calculations : GHG emissions, carbon balance, humic balance, agroecological project criteria.
  • This tool is intended for field crops, market gardening and viticulture.
  • This evaluation system requires the assistance of an expert.

Cool Farm Tool

Cool Farm Tool



HUMUS diagnosis

Diagnostic HUMUS

Sustainability diagnosis CIVAM

Diagnostic de durabilité CIVAM


  • CRATer is a food resilience calculator for territories created by the association Les greniers d'Abondance.[22]:[23] The calculation methods are open to everyone.
  • The site proposes to visualise a dynamic French map that shows the evolution of the different issues in each of the departments. It also proposes a more precise food diagnosis by territory.
  • The association wants to participate in raising awareness of a wide public (citizens, elected officials, etc.) on the issues of food resilience and to facilitate the work during the construction of in-depth field diagnostics.
  • A PDF Towards[24] https:[25] is proposed with the different levers to be put in place at the territorial level.


  • Created by ADEME, ClimAgri is a tool for diagnosing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture and forestry at the territorial level. A diagnosis shared by the actors, allows an objective analysis of the territory's challenges, the identification of priorities for action, the realization of simulations to finally define an action plan together.[26]:[27]
  • ClimAgri is reserved for a small group of experts, in particular because of the agronomic skills it requires. There is a two-day training course to get to grips with the tool, but a special request is necessary.
  • ClimAgri works in Excel.
  • The results given are :
    • Energy consumption (direct and indirect)
    • Greenhouse gas emissions (direct and indirect)
    • Carbon stock related to agricultural and forest soils and forest biomass
    • Production of agricultural and forestry raw materials
    • Food performance of the territory



  1. d'avenir :
  2. //fermesdavenir.org/
  3. d'avenir, Synthèse du référentiel de la Fleur de l'Agroécologie :
  4. //fermesdavenir.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Fleur-de-lagroe%CC%81cologie_Livre-Blanc.pdf.
  5. Agriculture du vivant, The Regeneration Index :https://agricultureduvivant.org/indice-de-regeneration/
  6. http://dialecte.solagro.org/index.php
  7. https://solagro.org/index.php
  8. europe
  9. , OASIS :
  10. //www.agroecology-europe.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/OASIS-20_01_digital_spreads.pdf
  11. Europe :
  12. //www.agroecology-europe.org/
  13. , HLPE report, page 41 "Consolidated set of 13 agroecological principles" : https://www.fao.org/3/ca5602en/ca5602en.pdf
  14. https://www.diagagroeco.org/
  15. Sanniéhttps://www.lesechos.fr/weekend/business-story/environnement-quentin-sannie-apres-devialet-recit-dune-reconversion-1322431
  16. IndicIADes :
  17. //www.carbonevert.fr/home
  18. :
  19. //agridurable.top/.
  20. CRATer
  21. https://crater.resiliencealimentaire.org/
  22. food resilience, CRATer :
  23. //resiliencealimentaire.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/VersLaResilienceAlimentaire-DigitaleVersion-HD-1.pdf
  24. ClimAgri
  25. https://expertises.ademe.fr/agriculture-foret/production-agricole/passer-a-laction/dossier/levaluation-environnementale-agriculture/loutil-climagri
  26. https://www.planet-score.org/

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