Arable crops

From Triple Performance

Future Beer (48129492632).jpg Permanent cover, Weed control, Targeted fertilisation, Fertility management, Irrigation, Integrated crop protection, Rotations, Crop associations... Everything you need to know about agro-ecological field crops !

Arable cropsPermanent cover, Weed control, Targeted fertilisation, Fertility management, Irrigation, Integrated crop protection, Rotations, Crop associations... Everything you need to know about agro-ecological field crops !Future Beer (48129492632).jpg


Association de culture - Portail.pngCrop association

Which crops to choose, what benefits to aim for, which combinations to avoid...

Rotations - Portail.pngRotations

How to define your crop rotation calendar, which species to choose...

Protection intégrée des cultures (PIC) - Portail.pngIntegrated crop protection (ICP)

Preventing diseases and pests, rationalising pesticide use, avoiding resistance, etc.

Irrigation - Portail.pngIrrigation

Which irrigation method to choose, which equipment...

Gestion des couverts végétaux - Portail.pngPlant cover management

How to choose, sow, manage and destroy plant cover...

Couverts permanents - Portail.pngPermanent cover

How to choose and maintain a permanent cover...

Fertilisation ciblée - Portail.pngTargeted fertilisation

Amino acids, compost tea, biofertiliser, precision farming,...

Désherbage - Portail.pngWeed control

Which method to use, which equipment to use...


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