Agrilus sinuatus

From Triple Performance
Agrilus sinuatus

The pear beetle, Agrilus sinuatus, is a pest of pear trees, considered to be re-emerging in Europe. It can cause significant damage in orchards, even leading to the death of individuals, particularly young or weakened trees. As soon as it appears, its dispersal within a plot quickly becomes detrimental.

The bupreste or pear borer

Photo credit: Fredon
  • Adult size : 7 to 10mm
  • Colour : coppery
  • Larva size : 20 and 25 mm
  • Colour : white to yellowish:

Symptoms on pear trees

The adult emerges from the tree through a half-moon-shaped hole, feeds on the leaf blade (not harmful) and lays eggs in wounds or cavities in the bark.

The larva attacks the trees by digging sinuous spiral galleries in the twigs to feed on the wood. Harmful in young orchards (up to 3 years old) and very old orchards.

Period of presence

The bupreste is present in summer, from April to July.

Observation method

As soon as the temperature drops, several times a week, count the new emergence cavities of the adult bupreste on trunks and branches with a diameter greater than 1.5 cm.

Warning : monitoring adult populations indirectly serves as a threshold indicator for this pest.

Technical and agronomic management advice

  • Cut back trees as soon as they are planted
  • Prophylaxis : destruction of infested branches, felling of dying trees.
  • Avoid rosaceous trees (medlar, aupebine, quince, etc.) in the vicinity.

Pressure level

  • Low : none
  • Medium : none
  • High : evidence of the pest in the orchard - 1 larva can kill a young scion, 2 to 3 larvae on developed trees are enough to significantly reduce yield.



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This article was written in partnership with <a href="">Agrifind</a> and <a href="">Terres Inovia</a>.

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