African locust bean

From Triple Performance
Icone categorie Cultures.png Cultures and produces - Mimosaceae - Parkia biglobosa
Zone géo origine : West Africa

Parkia biglobosa tree

Parkia biglobosa, the African locust bean, is a perennial deciduous tree in the family Fabaceae. It is found in a wide range of environments in Africa and is primarily grown for its pods that contain both a sweet pulp and valuable seeds. Where the tree is grown, the crushing and fermenting of these seeds constitutes an important economic activity. Various parts of the locust bean tree are used for medicinal and food purposes. As a standing tree, locust bean may have a positive effect on the yield of nearby crops.

Growing conditions

Seed germination

There are two types of seed within each pod – reddish-dark and dark (black). The ratio between these seeds varies from 1:20 to 1:5, with darker seeds outnumbering lighter seeds. Reddish-dark seeds have a thinner coat and they germinate earlier than black seeds that have not first been acid treated. “Dark seeds have a harder seed coat and require various pretreatments to ensure good germination rates.”

Although the seeds’ usual germination rate has been reported at 75%, germination can be improved by scalding for about 7 minutes, then soaking seeds in hot water overnight prior to planting. Locust tree seedlings “can be established vegetatively in nursery beds by grafting or budding, or by rooting adult cuttings.” These methods have shown good results in 11- to 25-year-old trees in Burkina Faso and Nigeria.

Agronomy study

After the initial sowing into seed beds, seedlings at 3 days old can be transplanted into pots. Seedlings typically reach 20-25 centimetres tall after 20 weeks in the nursery, at which point they can be planted out into the field; direct sowing is possible, but its viability largely depends on soil moisture and the degree of insect/rodent threats. Preliminary ploughing “contributes to proper establishment of seedlings in the field with a success rate of 82% four years” in some cases after planting. Seeds can be treated with concentrated sulphuric acid “in a concentration of 97% for 10 minutes and then immersed in water for 24 hours to break their dormancy period.”

Seedlings grow comparatively fast – they can reach a height of 1 metre in just 1 year. They will begin to flower at 5–7 years during the dry season in the Sahel (December to April), while occurring slightly earlier in less dry regions. The tree is pollinated primarily by bats, but can also occur by way of “honeybees, flies, wasps, ants, tenebrionid beetles and tettigometid bugs.” Fruiting can occur at anywhere from 5–10 years, and they will start to ripen just before the first rains and continue over most of the season.

Foliage of locust bean has been found to contribute to soil fertility improvement. In one experiment, the isolated relative effect of locust bean in the third year of the experiment was 86%, compared to 138% for neem, a related tree. The relative index of soil productivity during this time clearly appreciated for locust bean, as well as the accumulation of P and organic C compared with neem.

Shade tolerance of other crops planted the near locust bean tree may present additional problems. In a 2-year experiment on shading, Parkia biglobosa was “found to have suppressive effects on vegetative growth and yield of pearl millet in both years.” Eggplant yields were also suppressed by trees to between one third and one tenth of the yield in controlled plots, which themselves were damaged by rain. Despite this, chilli pepper yields (which were also affected by rain in the controlled plots) increased by up to 150% under the canopy of the locust bean tree.

Biophysical limitations

The tree of the African locust bean requires “between 0-300 metres of altitude, a mean annual rainfall of between 400-700 millimetres and a mean annual temperature of about 24-28°C.” It prefers well-drained, thick clay soils but can also be found on shallow, thin sandy soils.


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